Snow Dog

Ember playing with her ball in the snow.


new year, new happenings

It sure has been a long time since I have posted on this site. I will try and do better in the coming months. We have chosen Embers next date and will announce it shortly but for the time being just know we think we will have very similar results to our last breeding with quinn. Stay tuned for that exciting news.

Right now we are planning a Shiloh fun day on February 21st at The Dog School of Leesburg. We invite everyone to come out and learn about shilohs, let your shilohs play and help decide what events the Shiloh club will be doing in the coming year. If you would like more details e-mail me.

Nottingham Shilohs will be at Pawsabilities in PA on March 13th and 14th. Willow will continue the tradition of educating the public and letting everyone climb all over her. Please come and visit us at the Shiloh booth. I know there will be several Ember/Quinn puppies there!

We have also discovered the best trainer in the area. She has helped me through several training situations, she is a certified APTD trainer and CGC tester and she has experience working with shepherds! A link to her site will be coming soon.

So that's it for now. Look for more information coming soon...