Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

It has been a while since I wrote in you but I am finally getting some time to myself. I love my babies and they love me. I love feeding them and playing with them and cleaning them. When I get in my whelping box they all cry for me and come crawling to me. I just love them.

Guess What? Mom keeps bringing all these very nice people in to see me. I just love all the attention that I have been getting. I take them into my room and show them my babies. They love my babies. I let them hold them and snuggle with them. I keep a watch on them but mom stays there too so I don't have to worry. Mom says my babies are getting big. She says that they are over 2 pounds now and are getting bigger every day! I can't wait until I can take them outside with me and show them how to play ball.

Mom posted some pictures of my babies at their 1 week birthday. Hope you like them!



Dear Diary

Hi everyone,

It's Ember's mom, Marti. Ember is busy nursing her eight little babies. I just wanted to share the following video with you all, entitled "EXTREME NURSING."

I don't know how Ember puts up with their antics but she does. The video shows what she has to deal with. The rolling puppies are Dill and Wasabi.

I hope you like it. I will post more as I take them.
Ember's Mom -- Marti


Sabine made us a beautiful birth announcement! Just what we needed to show off our new girls and boy.

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

I have had these babies for three days now and I think I am in love. I love them. I love their smell, their bottoms and the way they call to me. I can't stand to be away from them. I just love them. I am tired and sore but seeing my babies makes me happy. My belly is gone and mom and dad are feeding me lots of food. I got to see my brothers and sisters again. They wanted to see my babies but I didn't want to share just yet. Mom makes my bed several times a day and sits in there with me which I really like. Mom has even taken to giving me special treats! Last night I had ice cream! It was yummy. I hope I can have some more tonight.

Babies are calling. Have to go and take care of them.


VIEW MORE of Ember's babies!

Dear Diary

OH MY GOSH!!!! You will never guess what happend to me today!?!?!

These noisy, squeeky, smelly things came out of me. What the Heck! It started last night - I actually woke mom up with one hanging out of me. She called to dad and then to Dr. Amy and they came running. They said I had more in me and that was the reason my belly was so big and why I was feeling pretty bad yesterday. Well they were right, I spat out several more. It took me all night long and mom, dad and Dr. Amy looked pretty rough in the morning but eventually I got eight babies out. Mom says there are seven girls and one boy. WOW! I can't believe that just happend to me. Actually Diary- I kinda like them. They snuggle up to me and I get very worried when they leave me. I think they are going to be fun.

I am tired and it has been a long day so I am going to take a nap.

What a day!


Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

I think mom is crazy! She was talking to my belly yesterday. It was really strange. It was right before we went to bed (yes, mom is still sleeping downstairs with me) and she was telling all the babies to be good to me. I really think something is wrong with her. Hopefully she will snap out of it. Maybe I should let her get some rest upstairs in her bed. No way, I am training her the way I want her.

Mom keeps sticking that thermometer in me. She said today that my temperature was down and that she was going to check again later to see if it came it up. She seems kinda worried. She said if it didn't come up then I was going to have babies! Diary, what are babies? Is that what my belly is full of? I hope not! All this talk of babies is making me hungry. Maybe I will go and try and get some food from dad. He is always a big sucker when I blink my eyes at him.



Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

I got sick yesterday. Mom says that my belly is so big it is pushing on my stomach and I can't eat a full meal. So today mom and dad have given me food all day long! They keep feeding me. My belly doesn't feel as bad and I really like getting food all day. I love eating!

Guess what? I tricked mom into sleeping downstairs with me. All I had to do was pant all night long (it gets so hot upstairs) that mom set up a bed downstairs just so I would be more comfortable. She told me she set up a whelping box or something like that but I prefer the bed. My brother Tuck likes sleeping in the box thing and I sleep on the bed with mom. Ha Ha, I know how to play mom, she is such a push over!

Mom has started doing something to me that is humiliating. She is taking my temperature three times a day and I have to stand there and take it. Enough already! It's embarrassing! She keeps saying I am not ready to pop yet, whatever that means. Hopefully it means that I will get rid of this huge belly, I can barley make it up and down the steps and laying down is getting harder and harder.

Oh, I think I hear dad feeding me again. Got to go!


Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Mom says the day is getting close. She said she set up my whelping box and I have lots of blanket to lay on. She is nervous about something. I don't really know what but I do know that my belly is still growing and it is getting harder and harder to move around and to get up. It is so hot here! Mom keeps turning down the air for me but it doesn't help. She said she would sleep downstairs just so I would be more comfortable. She even set up a bed downstairs - hopefully it is for me.

Diary, I got locked in the bathroom the other day. I was sleeping in there and I think my legs must have pushed the door closed. I heard mom and dad calling for me but they couldn't find me. I had to bark at them to let them know where I was. I kinda did it again today too. The bathroom is so cool to lay in. I guess i just get dreaming about running again and my legs start moving and the door just shuts with me locked in. Oh well, mom knows where to look now. Well diary, going to go and sleep again. I am so sleepy now a days. I just don't know whats wrong.



We count nine big babies! Congratulations Ember and Quinn.
How many babies do you see?


Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Mom is feeling better! Yea, she is off the couch and is taking us outside to play again. I don't like when mom is sick - I am glad she is better.

Mom says she is taking me to see Doctor Amy tomorrow. She said we need to see how many babies are in my belly. I love going to see Doctor Amy. She gives me all kinds of food and loves on me and sometimes I go into her bag and she brings tennis balls for me. Well, mom said wasn't a tennis ball but an apple. I didn't care, it looked like a ball and mom and Dr. Amy threw it for me, but it did seem to get squishy. Mom let me bite it and it was good. Dr. Amy shares her lunch with me. Anything she has she will give me. Sometimes I eat so much with Dr. Amy that I don't want dinner.

The cat has been limping again. Mom says we need to stop playing with the cat and let him rest. How come we can't play with him? He comes up to us to play and we just have to walk away? It's just not fair. Willow isn't listening to mom about the cat. She is playing with him right now. Maybe I will go and tell mom and get her in trouble.

Got to go and find mom and tell on my sister.


Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

It's day 46 and mom doesn't look so good. She took me to work with her yesterday (i think for support) and she said I weighed in at 105 pounds. Wow, I have never been above 91#. My belly is huge! Anyways, back to mom, when we got home she went right to the couch and fell asleep. She says I look bad but she needs to look at herself! She is somewhat better today. She said it was all allergies, but I think she is sick. She did get off the couch today and of course she remembered to feed me. She even gave the cat some wet food. I snuck some - it was good. Well, diary - it is getting harder and harder to get up, my belly is so big and it gets in the way. Mom says I will have babies soon, lets hope my belly goes back to normal. I want to run and play again.

Oh boy, dad is home and that means I get fed again. Yea! Got to go and get dinner.


Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

It's day 44 and mom brought me a surprise today. She brought me my boyfriend Quinn to play with. I don't know how long he is staying but I hope he will stay for a while. Mom even lets me run and play in the yard with him. I think Much is jealous, he is staying really close to me. He doesn't like it when Quinn gets near me - my overprotective brother!

Mom had these nice people and their children out yesterday to play with us. I played for a little bit and then I got tired and went into the cool garage and slept. For some reason I am sleepy all the time and want to eat everything and mom is feeding me! I like all the food and I really like when mom rubs my belly. It feels so good!

Well diary - I am going to go outside and play with Quinn. I just love that boy.

P.S. Sorry I didn't write yesterday, mom and dad got home late and I am not allowed to use the computer when they aren't home. I guess they just don't trust me.


Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Well, its day 42 since my date with Quinn and it is still raining. Mom won't let me go outside for long, she says I get too wet and track in too much mud, but I like the mud. If mom would let me I would stay outside and lay in the wet grass. It feels so good against my belly.

Mom fed me again today when she came home. I really like this midday meal. I love to eat and right now I seem to be hungry all the time.

Dad came home early today and I was really excited, I love when dad comes home early. I just love my daddy. He rubs my belly and says "grow those babies". I don't really know what he is talking about but when I wiggle my butt and howl he really like that.

Well, got to go - dad is feeding me again. I love all this food!


Dear Diary,

It's day 41 since my date with Quinn and I am feeling ok. Mom keeps telling me that I have a belly full of babies. Well, I don't know about that but I sure do like that mom is giving me more food when she comes home from work. I do feel a little tired and don't like to chase my ball as much and my belly is bigger. It seems that my belly has a mind of its own and swings when I walk. I have lost my girlish figure. That darn Quinn! But he was very cute and I would like to see him again...

Mom did a funny thing the other day, she took the cat away in the morning saying something about a wound on his rear. I think she is blaming my brother- ha ha, he will get in trouble. The cat came home that night and he was wearing this funny thing around his head and mom said we had to be nice to him and leave him alone. She even put the big gate up so we couldn't see him. I didn't like the thing on his head but mom said I couldn't take it off of him. The cat didn't like staying in his room so he jumped the gate and came to see me. Mom had to lock the cat up in the room. Oh well, he will be fine.

Well, it looks like it isn't raining now, I think I am going to try and get mom to take me out to play.