Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

It's day 44 and mom brought me a surprise today. She brought me my boyfriend Quinn to play with. I don't know how long he is staying but I hope he will stay for a while. Mom even lets me run and play in the yard with him. I think Much is jealous, he is staying really close to me. He doesn't like it when Quinn gets near me - my overprotective brother!

Mom had these nice people and their children out yesterday to play with us. I played for a little bit and then I got tired and went into the cool garage and slept. For some reason I am sleepy all the time and want to eat everything and mom is feeding me! I like all the food and I really like when mom rubs my belly. It feels so good!

Well diary - I am going to go outside and play with Quinn. I just love that boy.

P.S. Sorry I didn't write yesterday, mom and dad got home late and I am not allowed to use the computer when they aren't home. I guess they just don't trust me.