Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

It's day 46 and mom doesn't look so good. She took me to work with her yesterday (i think for support) and she said I weighed in at 105 pounds. Wow, I have never been above 91#. My belly is huge! Anyways, back to mom, when we got home she went right to the couch and fell asleep. She says I look bad but she needs to look at herself! She is somewhat better today. She said it was all allergies, but I think she is sick. She did get off the couch today and of course she remembered to feed me. She even gave the cat some wet food. I snuck some - it was good. Well, diary - it is getting harder and harder to get up, my belly is so big and it gets in the way. Mom says I will have babies soon, lets hope my belly goes back to normal. I want to run and play again.

Oh boy, dad is home and that means I get fed again. Yea! Got to go and get dinner.