Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Mom is feeling better! Yea, she is off the couch and is taking us outside to play again. I don't like when mom is sick - I am glad she is better.

Mom says she is taking me to see Doctor Amy tomorrow. She said we need to see how many babies are in my belly. I love going to see Doctor Amy. She gives me all kinds of food and loves on me and sometimes I go into her bag and she brings tennis balls for me. Well, mom said wasn't a tennis ball but an apple. I didn't care, it looked like a ball and mom and Dr. Amy threw it for me, but it did seem to get squishy. Mom let me bite it and it was good. Dr. Amy shares her lunch with me. Anything she has she will give me. Sometimes I eat so much with Dr. Amy that I don't want dinner.

The cat has been limping again. Mom says we need to stop playing with the cat and let him rest. How come we can't play with him? He comes up to us to play and we just have to walk away? It's just not fair. Willow isn't listening to mom about the cat. She is playing with him right now. Maybe I will go and tell mom and get her in trouble.

Got to go and find mom and tell on my sister.