Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Mom says the day is getting close. She said she set up my whelping box and I have lots of blanket to lay on. She is nervous about something. I don't really know what but I do know that my belly is still growing and it is getting harder and harder to move around and to get up. It is so hot here! Mom keeps turning down the air for me but it doesn't help. She said she would sleep downstairs just so I would be more comfortable. She even set up a bed downstairs - hopefully it is for me.

Diary, I got locked in the bathroom the other day. I was sleeping in there and I think my legs must have pushed the door closed. I heard mom and dad calling for me but they couldn't find me. I had to bark at them to let them know where I was. I kinda did it again today too. The bathroom is so cool to lay in. I guess i just get dreaming about running again and my legs start moving and the door just shuts with me locked in. Oh well, mom knows where to look now. Well diary, going to go and sleep again. I am so sleepy now a days. I just don't know whats wrong.
