Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

I got sick yesterday. Mom says that my belly is so big it is pushing on my stomach and I can't eat a full meal. So today mom and dad have given me food all day long! They keep feeding me. My belly doesn't feel as bad and I really like getting food all day. I love eating!

Guess what? I tricked mom into sleeping downstairs with me. All I had to do was pant all night long (it gets so hot upstairs) that mom set up a bed downstairs just so I would be more comfortable. She told me she set up a whelping box or something like that but I prefer the bed. My brother Tuck likes sleeping in the box thing and I sleep on the bed with mom. Ha Ha, I know how to play mom, she is such a push over!

Mom has started doing something to me that is humiliating. She is taking my temperature three times a day and I have to stand there and take it. Enough already! It's embarrassing! She keeps saying I am not ready to pop yet, whatever that means. Hopefully it means that I will get rid of this huge belly, I can barley make it up and down the steps and laying down is getting harder and harder.

Oh, I think I hear dad feeding me again. Got to go!