Dear Diary

OH MY GOSH!!!! You will never guess what happend to me today!?!?!

These noisy, squeeky, smelly things came out of me. What the Heck! It started last night - I actually woke mom up with one hanging out of me. She called to dad and then to Dr. Amy and they came running. They said I had more in me and that was the reason my belly was so big and why I was feeling pretty bad yesterday. Well they were right, I spat out several more. It took me all night long and mom, dad and Dr. Amy looked pretty rough in the morning but eventually I got eight babies out. Mom says there are seven girls and one boy. WOW! I can't believe that just happend to me. Actually Diary- I kinda like them. They snuggle up to me and I get very worried when they leave me. I think they are going to be fun.

I am tired and it has been a long day so I am going to take a nap.

What a day!