Dear Diary

My puppies are almost 5 weeks old and they are doing great. Mom is letting me sleep upstairs with her. She said we are starting to crate train my babies so I don't have to be around them as much. Don't get me wrong, I do love my babies but they have some sharp teeth and bite. I like to play with them but on my terms and not usually all 8 at once. Mom and Dad still have people coming over to see me and the babies all the time. She says it will help us in the long run. Something about having a properly socialized puppy - whatever that means. She has even put up an umbrella in my puppy area saying the same thing about "something new and different" who knows. Sometimes I think mom is crazy.
Well, got to go, mom is taking us all out to play before it gets too hot. She said she needs to wear us out before the visitors come.
Here are some pictures from this week. Grandma took them. She has been staying with us and watching my babies while mom and dad go to work. This weeks pictures